Killing it with kindness | 2022 Hero Award Winner
Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin

Killing it with kindness | 2022 Hero Award Winner

This year, my friend Andrew Lee was awarded the inaugural Kingsmen Hero Award which was given in recognition of his exemplary contribution to the Kingsmen community.

Once a year, the Kingsmen Inner Circle Group is given the opportunity to nominate and recognize one special member that has managed to balance self-growth with a relentless effort to help others in the Kingsmen tribe.

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How a Men's Group Can Work for You: The Science of a Supportive Network

How a Men's Group Can Work for You: The Science of a Supportive Network

Most men are hesitant to seek support from others because they’re afraid of feeling vulnerable or appear weak, but men’s groups have been proven to have several health benefits that can improve your life in major ways—if you let them. So how do you know if joining a men’s group is right for you? How does it work? And most importantly, what can you expect? To understand more about the science behind men’s groups and why they may be the best option to make lasting positive change in your life, keep reading.

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How do I get out of a slump?
Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin

How do I get out of a slump?

In it, he wrote: “Today is tough. Tomorrow is tougher. The day after tomorrow is beautiful. But most people die tomorrow night and don’t get the chance to see the sunrise the day after tomorrow.”

As morbid as these words may sound, they woke me up to the idea that I just had to keep pushing forward to see the sunrise the day after tomorrow.

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How to create relationships without sacrifice or accommodation?
Business & Career, Relationships Alexander Lin Business & Career, Relationships Alexander Lin

How to create relationships without sacrifice or accommodation?

Relationship expert Rori Raye has made it her mission to help women transform their love lives and create relationships where they are cherished and adored. Her 8 rules of Circular Dating have profoundly changed the dating scene. What's interesting is how these same rules can be used as powerful client generation strategies.

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How to motivate your employees to go above and beyond?
Business & Career, Relationships Alexander Lin Business & Career, Relationships Alexander Lin

How to motivate your employees to go above and beyond?

I get to work with some amazing leaders. One of my clients is the CEO of a leading mattress company in South-East Asia. On a recent call, the common issue of "How to Motivate my staff to go above and beyond their call of duty?" came up. So, we sat with this challenge and a few ideas came to mind; Idea #1 - Hire for ambitions rather than skills, Idea #2 - Challenge for growth, Idea #3 - Bring meaning to their work.

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10 tiny actions to replenish yourself today
Energy & Habits, Relationships Alexander Lin Energy & Habits, Relationships Alexander Lin

10 tiny actions to replenish yourself today

Now that the winter break is behind us and we are back into the full swing of things at work, I’ve noticed many people feeling the holiday hangover. Some feel drained, overwhelmed, hazy, exhausted… Sound familiar? There’s a lot going on, I get it! I also understand how it can all feel tough. I’m here to say ‘You’ve got this!’

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How to build a business that grows through word-of-mouth and referrals only?
Business & Career, Money & Finance, Relationships Alexander Lin Business & Career, Money & Finance, Relationships Alexander Lin

How to build a business that grows through word-of-mouth and referrals only?

Rather than sending prospective clients to a web page, you have living and breathing ambassadors that are willing to spread the word of your good work. Most of the time, they don’t realize they are doing it because it just feels right to talk about the astonishing experience they had with you.

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How To Find Grace During The Darkest Times?

How To Find Grace During The Darkest Times?

As we focus another welcome to a new year into what feels like a never ending story, we must stay resilient. It has been said that constraint is the breeding ground for creativity and throughout these past years I've seen many amazing opportunities arise. One of which is the support that I received from the amazing individuals around me.

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