Be One In A Million ———————

The Kingsmen Men’s Group

Part brotherhood, accountability partners and somewhere between family and friends

About You ——————————

You’re a high achiever that wants to overcome obstacles and grow to become a better man. You know that going it alone can make everything feel more difficult and the subtle isolation that a man experiences - often without noticing it - affects your wellbeing and progress in life. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Hear what others have to say

A. Changfoot

J. Leung

A. Lee

D. Ho Wo Cheong

C. Tsang

W. Lee

The Difference ————————

Why join a Men’s Group?


Build lifelong friendships with other ambitious professionals.


Stretch your thinking and access healthy role models.


Tap into a collective pool of anecdotes, lessons and wisdom.

Industry Sponsors ———————

People truly believe in this life-changing brotherhood that enables men to become the best version of themselves. Through sponsorship, these organizations are bringing in guest speakers, supporting live events, and positively impacting the lives of the Kingsmen community.

Join an Open House ——————

Experience the brotherhood before committing

Every Kingsmen knows the power of a men’s circle and we want you to experience one first hand before making any commitments.

After you’ve registered, you’ll get an invite to select a time option that works for you to connect with someone from the Kingsmen Leadership Team. They’ll get you set up and into the next mastermind call. To prepare for the call you will need to have the following ready:

  • Your biggest fears: The things that keep you up at night

  • Your biggest dreams: 3 objectives/goals you’d like help with

  • Why do you think you haven’t achieved them yet?

  • Your willingness to experiment

That’s it. The Kingsmen will take care of the rest.

Why Join? ——————————

Our mission is your success

We are on a mission to support one million Kings by 2041 because every man deserves to have access to a life-changing brotherhood so they can become the best version of themselves.

We focus on personal transformation, business, leadership and communication because we know that when you improve in those areas, you win more trust, gain more respect and establish stronger relationships.

You'll also be able to…

  • Tapping into the collective wisdom and experience of the group will have you saving time by learning from others’ mistakes so you don’t have to do the same.

  • Your fear is the sharpest definition of yourself. So, instead of being discomfort and conflict avoidant, learn how to sit in them, maintain your voice and speak to them. Through ‘real’ talk, you’ll hear things you need to hear rather than what you want to hear. And yes! We have fun doing all of this.

  • They say you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most. You’ll be surrounding yourself with healthy male role models that are here to help you live your truth, offer you specific actions, and give you the support necessary to live in the freedom just beyond your edge.

  • One of the best feelings from a men’s group comes from being acknowledged, heard and valued by fellow men. It’s liberating to have access to others who truly understand you and can share their personal stories and lessons from which you can learn.

  • In many ways, this is an emotional dojo where you get the spar and practice with other men on how to deal with emotions in a healthy way. This translates into all other relationships in your life where intimacy can be maintained at a high level because of your continual growth of emotional intelligence.

  • Be part of a tribe of men that are living at their edge, facing their fears and living just beyond them. Together, we’ll help you overcome obstacles, build your businesses, form stronger relationships and feel grounded so that you’ll be unshakeable.

Features ———————————

Your membership includes

  • Instant access to weekly calls

  • Invitations to exclusive Kingsmen closed-events

  • Access to global networks, assets, and multi-cultural exposure

  • Access to past recordings and resources

Limited Time Bonus

  • A 1-hour Private Coaching Session with Alex


By now, you probably have a healthy dose of scepticism and doubt. Before I joined a men’s group, I felt the same way.

It’s totally understandable. Men’s groups aren’t commonly spoken about and the idea of gathering with a bunch of guys you’ve never met before to talk about life can be foreign.

So, we’ve put together a few common questions and answers to address concerns you might have.

  • It’s simple really. A man will decide to talk about either an issue or an opportunity that is most pressing and we’ll dedicate focused time to support and help build strategies that will move the needle and keep him in action towards what he really wants.

  • Currently, the weekly calls are on Sundays from 8 -10 am PST and any recordings are made available shortly after.

  • No. You will have the chance to either observe and learn. If you’re courageous enough, you can participate in the moderated discussion.

  • Come with an open mind, a craving for curiosity and intension to support a fellow man on his journey of growth.

  • None of us want to talk about sensitive matters and have it shared outside of the group either.

    That’s why we take this very seriously and have put in place strong agreements of confidentiality. If a breach were to happen the individual would be banned from Kingsmen.

    We meet on Zoom video calls that are password protected. Nobody can record the men’s circle sessions without a unanimous vote from all participants.

  • Nope! Not at all.

    Through a moderated discussion, we’ll go from surface level talk to significance really fast by working on the things that matter most RIGHT NOW.

    The format of our men’s circle is the same every time. We run a quick check-in with everyone and then we dive right into pressing issues or opportunities our men want support with.

  • We believe that the quality of your answers is determined by the quality of your questions.

    Here are some recent topics that have come up:

    1. How to identify your core values and clearly define what actions you need to take now so that you can boost your levels of happiness, fulfillment, and peace?

    2. Investor/ Business Partnership Dilemma - to accept funding in exchange for company equity and control or to stay the course of slow growth?

    3. How to strengthen and streamline CRM systems so that less business slips through the gaps between your fingers?

    4. How to strengthen existing business partnership by build strong agreements that will mitigate future arguments, unnecessary stress and anxiety?

    5. How to commit to things you know you should be doing but don’t?

    6. How to deal with procrastination?

    7. How do you avoid ‘yoyo’ habits with regards to health and fitness?

    8. What do you do to make initial interactions more comfortable?

    9. How to create strong boundaries that will lead to the ideal relationship with my partner?

    You can read my article on ‘What do guys talk about in a men’s group call?” here.

    The truth is that there are TONS of good men out there who are going through similar things and want to talk about it with you. That’s why Kingsmen, was created to help men like you:

    • overcome challenges faster

    • be a better boyfriends / fiancé / husband / dad

    • get stuff off their chest

    • feel happier

    • access healthy male role models make supportive friendships

    • build synergies to help reduce learning curves

    • receive honest feedback

  • No. These sessions are more of a platform for men to be heard, bounce ideas, and get real honest feedback.

    No one is being told what to do and we discourage anyone from starting a sense with ‘you could’ or ‘you should’. Instead, we ask that you acknowledge the person speaking and share personal stories or experiences that you could help bring insights.

    If you want advice or direct feedback, you can give permission and request it from the other men on the call.

    If you’re looking for a more coaching-centric experience, check out the Project Elevate program that compliments the men’s circle sessions immensely.

  • Yes, we are trying to sell you on trying a men’s group BUT it doesn’t necessarily have to be with Kingsmen.

    That’s why we’ve made it our mission to help men like you gain access to a life-changing brotherhood so you can become the best version of yourself.

  • If at the end of the trial session you feel like Kingsmen is for you, just set up a call with our team to explore if you’d be the right fit.

Get Started —————————

Sign up for the next Open House