How a Men's Group Can Work for You: The Science of a Supportive Network

How a Men's Group Can Work for You: The Science of a Supportive Network

Most men are hesitant to seek support from others because they’re afraid of feeling vulnerable or appear weak, but men’s groups have been proven to have several health benefits that can improve your life in major ways—if you let them. So how do you know if joining a men’s group is right for you? How does it work? And most importantly, what can you expect? To understand more about the science behind men’s groups and why they may be the best option to make lasting positive change in your life, keep reading.

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How to fall in love with the hard stuff

How to fall in love with the hard stuff

I HATED running. It always felt hard and dreadful - so I never really wanted to do it. But now, I think I found the secret to falling in love with the sport and what you’re about to read can apply to anything you try to do in life. With the help of the Nike Run Club app, I was able to break through the initial dread and learn how to fall in love with the sport. If you run consistently, you can call yourself a runner!

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