Personal Development, Men's Group Alexander Lin Personal Development, Men's Group Alexander Lin

How to Run a Book Club Discussion That Everyone Will Love

Are you starting a book club or looking to breathe some new life into your existing one? Leading a lively, engaging book club discussion can be a bit of an art, but with the right approach, you can create an experience that everyone will look forward to.

In this post, I'll share my top tips for running a book club discussion that is informative, thought-provoking, and - most importantly - tons of fun! Get ready to be the book club leader that everyone raves about.

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Unveiling the Ingredients of a Good Men's Group
Men's Group, Personal Development Alexander Lin Men's Group, Personal Development Alexander Lin

Unveiling the Ingredients of a Good Men's Group

Hey there, my fellow brethren! Today, we embark on an exciting quest to unveil the secrets of a truly remarkable men's group. I’ve been running the Kingsmen men’s group since 2021 and now, I’ve managed to distill it down to 3 essential ingredients that make up a good men’s group. So, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the magical realm where bonds are forged, growth is nurtured, and laughter echoes through the halls of camaraderie. Get ready for some tips on what makes a men's group truly great!

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In a Nutshell: 7 strategies for wealth and happiness by Jim Rohn
Money & Finance Alexander Lin Money & Finance Alexander Lin

In a Nutshell: 7 strategies for wealth and happiness by Jim Rohn

Today, we're going to talk about something that everyone wants: Wealth and Happiness.

Jim Rohn, the late motivational speaker, and personal development guru, had 7 strategies that can help us achieve both.

And, because we're all about keeping things short and sweet, we're going to break it down into bite-sized chunks that you can go through on your coffee break.

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Top 5 personal finance tips for a secure financial future
Business & Career, Money & Finance Alexander Lin Business & Career, Money & Finance Alexander Lin

Top 5 personal finance tips for a secure financial future

Personal finance is an essential aspect of life that requires careful planning, discipline, and consistent effort. Whether you're a young professional, a stay-at-home parent, or a retiree, managing your finances is crucial to securing a stable financial future. In this article, we'll be discussing the top five personal finance tips to help you achieve financial security and independence.

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Killing it with kindness | 2022 Hero Award Winner
Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin

Killing it with kindness | 2022 Hero Award Winner

This year, my friend Andrew Lee was awarded the inaugural Kingsmen Hero Award which was given in recognition of his exemplary contribution to the Kingsmen community.

Once a year, the Kingsmen Inner Circle Group is given the opportunity to nominate and recognize one special member that has managed to balance self-growth with a relentless effort to help others in the Kingsmen tribe.

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How a Men's Group Can Work for You: The Science of a Supportive Network

How a Men's Group Can Work for You: The Science of a Supportive Network

Most men are hesitant to seek support from others because they’re afraid of feeling vulnerable or appear weak, but men’s groups have been proven to have several health benefits that can improve your life in major ways—if you let them. So how do you know if joining a men’s group is right for you? How does it work? And most importantly, what can you expect? To understand more about the science behind men’s groups and why they may be the best option to make lasting positive change in your life, keep reading.

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Estate Planning for Death: How to Prepare for the Worst
Alexander Lin Alexander Lin

Estate Planning for Death: How to Prepare for the Worst

When you’re young and healthy, planning for death seems irrelevant—but it’s not. Preparation for death can relieve stress from your loved ones who will have to take care of your financial and legal affairs after you pass away, while also ensuring they won’t go broke or end up in jail because they didn’t know how to handle the process of probate or what to do with your estate after you die. So how do you plan effectively to avoid all that? Check out these 7 tips on how to prepare yourself and your family for death by creating an effective estate plan.

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How do I get out of a slump?
Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin Personal Development, Relationships Alexander Lin

How do I get out of a slump?

In it, he wrote: “Today is tough. Tomorrow is tougher. The day after tomorrow is beautiful. But most people die tomorrow night and don’t get the chance to see the sunrise the day after tomorrow.”

As morbid as these words may sound, they woke me up to the idea that I just had to keep pushing forward to see the sunrise the day after tomorrow.

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In a nutshell: How to build a Story Brand and clarify your message so customers will listen?
Business & Career Alexander Lin Business & Career Alexander Lin

In a nutshell: How to build a Story Brand and clarify your message so customers will listen?

Ever wonder why you can remember some stories so easily? Donald Miller explains it very well in his book Building A Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen. He builds on the original ideas of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and simplifies it so anyone can understand. Here’s the SECRET framework that ALL great stories tellers use to create unforgettable plots.

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How to create relationships without sacrifice or accommodation?
Business & Career, Relationships Alexander Lin Business & Career, Relationships Alexander Lin

How to create relationships without sacrifice or accommodation?

Relationship expert Rori Raye has made it her mission to help women transform their love lives and create relationships where they are cherished and adored. Her 8 rules of Circular Dating have profoundly changed the dating scene. What's interesting is how these same rules can be used as powerful client generation strategies.

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