Overview ——————

Project Elevate

A 3-month group coaching program that will evolve into your very own Mastermind of ambitious entrepreneurs who are ready to put it all on the line, take serious action, and help you create the life and income of your dreams.

Together, we’ll cycle through 3 major themes - Business, Lifestyle, and Leadership.

The program includes:

  • Three 2-hour sessions a month, with one week off.

  • Weekly reports to keep you on your toes, accountable, and in action.

  • Unlimited email coaching from Alex.

  • On-demand laser coaching to help you blast through obstacles.

  • Invaluable peer to peer feedback.

  • Online discussion forum to keep us all connected, inspired, and supporting each other.

  • So much more!

Overview ——————

Who is this for

This group program is for you if:

You’re hungry for personal and professional development.

You work as an artist - you’re a passionate person that devotes yourself to things that matter to you.

You’re always open to feedback - even if it stings.

You think like a hero and are always looking for ways to help others.

You lead with integrity and others think you’re reliable.

You commit with 100% - you’ll show up fully and won’t hold back.

You take risks and have had brilliant successes and spectacular failures.

You’re a high achiever - you’ve enjoyed success in your business love life and hobbies and know what it takes to get there. You have a strong sense of what you can achieve on your own and know that you want more.

You’re an action taker like it’s second nature. No cajoling is required.

Overview ——————

Who this isn’t for

This group program isn’t for you if:

You are not sure what you want to commit to anything serious right now.

You don’t have an entrepreneurial mindset or any desire to run a profitable business.

You are looking for people to “motivate you.”

You are afraid to make mistakes and fail.

You aren’t ready to work harder than your coach or your peers to create what you want in your life.

This program is not for everyone.

It’s a lot of work, requires a tremendous amount of passion, focus, and resilience in the face of scary things.  This group is for POWERFUL entrepreneurs who are inspiring, ready and don’t live with excuses.


  • As soon as you’ve made your payment, we get right to work.

    Early birds will benefit from weekly coaching calls until registration is closed.

  • Each group can have up to 7 members max.

  • Once registration is closed, we’ll coordinate a time for everyone to meet weekly. We always find a way to make timings work.

  • All you’ll need is zoom, a good mic, a good camera, and a stable internet connection.

  • Because you get immediate access to the video vault, worksheets, and templates, this program is non-refundable.

  • I am always updating the FAQ, so if you have more questions you need answered, please email me at info@withkingsmen.com and I will get back to you ASAP!

Get Started —————

Your investment

Masterminds like these can cost tens of thousands of dollars but if you join now, you’ll pay
