10 tiny actions to replenish yourself today
Energy & Habits, Relationships Alexander Lin Energy & Habits, Relationships Alexander Lin

10 tiny actions to replenish yourself today

Now that the winter break is behind us and we are back into the full swing of things at work, I’ve noticed many people feeling the holiday hangover. Some feel drained, overwhelmed, hazy, exhausted… Sound familiar? There’s a lot going on, I get it! I also understand how it can all feel tough. I’m here to say ‘You’ve got this!’

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How a pineapple can help deal with overwhelm

How a pineapple can help deal with overwhelm

Even the greatest minds of our time, like Einstein, for instance, could only focus on one thought at a time.  So what can you do the next time you feel overwhelmed? Slow down. The greatest source of self-imposed stress is when we decided to carry many thoughts, tasks, and future ideas. So, for the love of what’s good for you - STOP!

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