Personal Development, Men's Group Alexander Lin Personal Development, Men's Group Alexander Lin

How to Run a Book Club Discussion That Everyone Will Love

Are you starting a book club or looking to breathe some new life into your existing one? Leading a lively, engaging book club discussion can be a bit of an art, but with the right approach, you can create an experience that everyone will look forward to.

In this post, I'll share my top tips for running a book club discussion that is informative, thought-provoking, and - most importantly - tons of fun! Get ready to be the book club leader that everyone raves about.

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How to fall in love with the hard stuff

How to fall in love with the hard stuff

I HATED running. It always felt hard and dreadful - so I never really wanted to do it. But now, I think I found the secret to falling in love with the sport and what you’re about to read can apply to anything you try to do in life. With the help of the Nike Run Club app, I was able to break through the initial dread and learn how to fall in love with the sport. If you run consistently, you can call yourself a runner!

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