Kingsmen Enterprises

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In a nutshell: How to build a Story Brand and clarify your message so customers will listen?

Ever wonder why you can remember some stories so easily? 

Donald Miller explains it very well in his book Building A Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen. He builds on the original ideas of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and simplifies it so anyone can understand. 

Here’s the SECRET framework that ALL great stories tellers use to create unforgettable plots.

  1. A CHARACTER: A hero goes on an adventure, making the decision to push forward in a time of crisis.

  2. HAS A PROBLEM OR CALLING: Before any of this can take place, the hero MUST answer the calling to adventure. In all stories, the hero is reluctant at first to heed the call. This makes sense since fundamentally as humans, our bodies and minds are built to resist change.

  3. THEN, MEETS A GUIDE THAT FORCES HERO TO TAKE ACTION: And then, a mentor appears to give him/her a plan and help them cross the threshold to leave his/her “ordinary world” for the new one.

  4. WHICH RESULTS IN SUCCESS OR FAILURE: Then, he/she returns to the ordinary world, changed or transformed and shares that gift with the world and his/her community. The hero can either have success and become a new version of himself/herself or the hero ends in tragedy. Typically it’s the former.

Sounds familiar? 

Now it’s your turn! Think about your favourite story and how it fits into this framework.

In the real world, it can be hard to recognize the call to adventure - almost always something that you’re scared to do, but know deep down that you need to do. It appears as an obstacle. 

So how do you overcome it?

To be the hero of your own story, you need to answer the call and the obstacles in your way.

What obstacles do you have to overcome? I want to know! Reply to this post or comment below. 

In your corner,


P.S. When the time comes, here are 3 ways I can help you create the life, business and impact you know you deserve:

1. Join Project Elevate for 3 months of capacity building, with weekly group calls led personally by me. We focus on 3 major areas; Lifestyle, Business, and Leadership. 

2. Join Kingsmen, the Private Men’s Network. It’s a life-changing brotherhood that makes your success their mission. You get weekly live group calls with me and other leaders—and you join our Private Facebook Group to access personalized guidance and consulting, so you don’t get lost and you stay out of confusion. Usually, the difficult part is the aspect of overcoming fear and building trust. This isn't an issue here! Kingsmen is for anybody interested in what it means to be a leader and take control of their own destiny. 

3. Get on The Private Coaching Waiting List. This is where you bring your desires, I bring my jetpack. Together, we’ll build that ship made of ‘impossible goals’, get them so high off the ground, and have you look back with wonders of why you were thinking so small when we started. It can be challenging, powerful, and transformational. If you’re interested in reserving a future spot, go here.