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💊 5 Hard Pills You Need to Swallow To Get Unstuck In Life

Hey Friends,

Last weekend, I and a few friends hosted a Summer Sizzler BBQ where we got to connect with some new and old faces.  Here are some pics that captured the special moments.

While manning the grill, I took a few seconds to savour the moment while basking in the sun and enjoying the great company surrounding me.

As I looked to my right, I saw my wife and 3 kids on the picnic matt and was reminded of these simple yet life-changing pills I had to swallow several years ago:

  1. Life is short - if we’re lucky, we get 4,000 weeks to live. So if you’re wondering if you should splurge on that vacation, start that side hustle, call that somebody, or maybe end it with that person you know is not right for you… just do it! Quit putting limitations on yourself!

  2. We need to prioritize ourselves - if you can manage to work on someone else’s dream for 8 hours a day, you can surely spend 1 hour working on your own.

  3. There’s never a ‘right’ time - there’s someone in this world that is way less qualified than you are and is living the life you want because they dared to take action.

  4. Fear is your friend - discomfort is where most of the growth happens. Do the things that scare you most and watch everything change.

  5. Life is impermanent - all things in life, good and bad, will come and go. Be at peace with this and know that whatever you focus on will show up more often than you’d expect.

If you made it this far, congratulations on being part of the 8% of people who finish what they start!

I want to know if any of these 5 struck a chord for you. Maybe we can chat over a coffee and brainstorm about ways to help you overcome whatever is holding you back.

In your corner,


P.S. Was this newsletter helpful? Know someone who might benefit from it? We encourage you to share this content with your family, friends .. even your dog! They can sign up here to get actionable psych tips, practical life advice, and high-quality resources to help boost their self-growth, productivity, and income.

🔥 My Favourite Things

📱 App –  I found out that I’m eating 89% of the recommended sodium intake, 2000 mg per day. I was surprised to learn this since I LOVE carbs. This website has must-try Health Calculators for big lives powered by big data.

📚 Book – I recently revisited Blue Ocean Strategy by authors W. Chan Kim and Renée A. Mauborgne . When we start a new business, competition can be fierce. Whether it’s selling your consulting services, real estate or martial art programs the market is typically saturated or dominated by big players that came before you. So how do you compete and thrive? This book helped me set myself apart from the rest and create my own market for my services so that rather than competing with the sharks in the bloody red ocean, I’m swimming steadily in my own blue ocean that is deep, clear, and full of undiscovered opportunities! If you’re running a business or thinking about starting one, I highly recommend this gem.

💰 Website – Passiv For years I’ve made my money work for me but had to do it manually. Now with Passiv, my portfolio is on autopilot and turns my brokerage account into a modern portfolio management tool. I’ve personally used Questrade and love it! If you sign up today with my referral code 445925547468266, we can both get $50 CAD - Yay to ‘FREE’ Money!

🎥 My New Videos

🔎 How to Find Your Niche As a Life Coach | Beginners Guide – Are you trying to figure out what your niche should be? Do you feel like you're wandering aimlessly through life, not knowing what you're supposed to be doing?

In this video, I show you how to find your niche as a life coach but the content applies to any industry. I share my story of how I found my niche to save you some time, money, and effort!

🎁 Quote of the Week

“The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.”

Neil Gaiman , University of the Arts Commencement Speech

From the book: 37 Ways To Boost Your Coaching Practice by Steve Chandler

See this content in the original post