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πŸ‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Staying Motivated in Good Times and Bad

Hi Friends!

Over the years as a content creator, I noticed that I can tend to be a bit hard on myself.

Like many others, I go up against negative thoughts that really don’t serve me.
But I’m quick to remember that this is just the way our human bodies are designed.

Our primitive brains are designed to look for comfort and conserve energy for those unsuspected times when we need to fight, or flight.

This is what kept our late cavemen and women ancestors alive, but obviously, times have changed quite a bit since then.

Fast forward to today, we have creators like me who sometimes go for walks and have strokes of genius.

The next email or video idea hits me like a lightning bolt - and so I whip out my phone, and start making notes.

When things go well, I can go through my typical creation system of research, write, record, and release pretty easily.

But, there are those times when I never make it past the writing stage.

Whatever I come up with never feels good enough and sometimes I go up against overwhelming feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and negativity.

Sound familiar?

When this happens, I open my β€˜SWIPE’ folder where I keep all the golden nuggets of wisdom and motivation on my computer.

When I browse on the internet, I tend to come across an inspirational quote, impactful visuals, or a heartfelt video that ground me and save them in my SWIPE folder for later.

(If you don’t have one of these, I suggest you to create a SWIPE folder for yourself)

Here are 3 more visuals from my SWIPE folder that keep me going when things get rough and will change your life forever!

If you liked these images, you can find more at Liz Fosslien’s website. Her book Big Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things Are Not Okay is a must-read.

You’ve got this!


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πŸ”₯ My Favourite Things

πŸ“± App β€“ is the new era of storytelling. Built for storytellers, powered by AI. Tome is the world’s first generative storytelling format to truly harness the power of artificial intelligence β€” enabling anyone to tell a compelling story. Tome combines a fluid, interactive canvas with an AI storytelling partner so you can create and share immersive narratives that look great on any device. Try it for yourself while it’s still FREE!

πŸ“š Book β€“ I recently read Deep Work by Cal Newport . Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time. In short, deep work is like a superpower in our increasingly competitive twenty-first-century economy. The best part is, you can build this superpower yourself!

πŸ’° Website β€“ Passiv For years I’ve made my money work for me but had to do it manually. Now with Passiv, my portfolio is on autopilot and turns my brokerage account into a modern portfolio management tool. I’ve personally used Questrade and love it! If you sign up today with my referral code 445925547468266, we can both get $50 CAD - Yay to β€˜FREE’ Money!

πŸŽ₯ My New Videos

⌚ How to Stop Procrastinating β€“ Based on a PubMed Article called β€œProcrastination at the Core of Physical Activity (PA) and Perceived Quality of Life” you'll learn how procrastination is destroying the quality of your life and get practical tips and strategies so you can beat procrastination once and for all. By the end of this video, you will have all the tools you need to beat your procrastination habit head-on and become the productive, efficient person you've always wanted to be. So let's get started!

🎁 Quote of the Week

β€œA little imprisonment - if it's of your own making - can set you free. Rather than restricting your freedom, a routine gives you freedom by protecting you from the ups and downs of life and helping you take advantage of your limited time, energy, and talent. A routine establishes good habits that can lead to your best work.”

From the book: Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad by Austin Kleon

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