Kingsmen Enterprises

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What do guys actually talk about in a Men’s Group?

A friend of mine asked; Alex, what do you talk about during men’s group calls exactly?

This was a great question! I sat and reflected on some of our chats.

And then, recalled a few topics that came up:

  • How to identify your core values and clearly define what actions you need to take now so that you can boost your levels of happiness, fulfilment, and peace?

  • How to get investors/business partners to accept funding in exchange for company equity and control or to stay the course of slow growth?

  • How to strengthen and streamline CRM systems so that less business slips through the gaps between your fingers?

  • How to strengthen existing business partnerships by building strong agreements that will mitigate future arguments, unnecessary stress, and anxiety?

  • How to commit to things you know you should be doing but don’t?

  • How to deal with procrastination?

  • How do you avoid ‘yoyo’ habits with regards to health and fitness?

  • What do you do to make initial meetings more comfortable?

  • How to create strong boundaries that will lead to the ideal relationship with my partner?

  • How to boost income and cash flow in my business during the summer slow months?

  • What are the top 5 biggest money lessons you wish you knew that would put you in the best position now?

  • How to reintegrate into society after a pandemic without feeling awkward, scared, or judged?

If I had to describe what it’s like to be part of this community,

I’d say it’s like having the Genie from Alladin on speed dial.

We get to leave each call feeling like “you’ve never had a friend like me“

This is a place where you can literally ask for anything and you’ll get what you want and so much more!

We talk; leadership, life, love, and losses.

We create; money, peace, freedom, and happiness.

We laugh.

We connect deeply.

We let a load off.

We hold each other to high standards.

We help each other achieve the results we want.

And so much more!

I feel blessed to be part of Kingsmen.

I’m curious to know, What does your tribe look like? Write to me at - I read every email.

To your success,


P.S. Here are 4 other ways I can help you increase your levels of happiness, peace, and freedom as a creator of your best life;

1. Join Project Elevate – for 3 months of capacity expansion, led personally by me. Plus, receive a complimentary ticket to the next Alexander Lin Intensive.

2. Alexander Lin Intensive – The flagship program where you get to unplug, slow down, and reconnect with your reasons for being. It’s an opportunity to spend 3 days with me and the members of my community which could potentially become your life-changing mastermind.

3. Join Kingsmen, the Private Men’s Network. It’s a life-changing brotherhood that makes your success their mission. You get weekly live group calls with me and other leaders—and you join our Private Facebook Group to access personalized guidance and consulting, so you don’t get lost and you stay out of confusion. Usually, the difficult part is the aspect of overcoming fear and building trust. This isn't an issue here! Kingsmen is for anybody interested in what it means to be a leader and take control of their own destiny. 

4. Private Coaching is where you bring your desires, I bring my jetpack. Together, we’ll build that ship made of ‘impossible goals’, get them so high off the ground, and have you look back with wonders of why you were thinking so small when we started. It can be challenging, powerful, and transformational. If you’re interested in reserving a future spot, go here.